The Amphibians and Reptiles Around Us

ree wildlife presentation will be held at College of the Rockies, between noon and 1p.m. on Monday February 15.

  • Feb. 9, 2016 7:00 p.m.
Wood Frog. These amazing frogs can freeze solid in winter, and all their organs shut down, including their heart, for days or even weeks before the temperature warms up and they come back to ‘life’. 

Wood Frog. These amazing frogs can freeze solid in winter, and all their organs shut down, including their heart, for days or even weeks before the temperature warms up and they come back to ‘life’. 

Angus Glass

Have you ever wanted to know more about what may be sliding through the grass or hiding under a rock in your yard? If so, then an upcoming presentation, hosted by the Fish & Wildlife Compensation (FWCP), is for you. Local wildlife biologist, and professional photographer, Jakob Dulisse will be showing some of his spectacular images and video clips on amphibians and reptiles inhabiting the Kootenay region.

The free wildlife presentation will be held in room S114 at the Cranbrook campus of the College of the Rockies, between noon and 1.00 p.m. on Monday February 15, 2016.

“I’ve spent a lot of time in the field and look forward to sharing what it’s like being a wildlife biologist working to conserve some of our lesser known creatures – namely, amphibians and reptiles,” says Dulisse. “There are some fascinating species in this area, many at the very northern end of their distribution range that have evolved some special adaptations to survive in our cold winters.”

The topic of reptiles and amphibians is familiar to Dulisse; in addition to years of research he is currently working on an assessment of amphibian distribution in the East Kootenay. It is one of the first projects rolled out under the Upper Kootenay Ecosystem Enhancement Plan (UKEEP) – a joint initiative between the FWCP and Columbia Basin Trust.

“Getting to understand the distribution of local species and their habitat requirements is the first step in trying to conserve them,” says FWCP Columbia Region Manager, Crystal Klym. “We are really happy to partner with the Trust to deliver the UKEEP projects, and this presentation is a great opportunity to share results.”

The FWCP is a partnership between BC Hydro, the Province of B.C., Fisheries and Oceans Canada, First Nations and Public Stakeholders to conserve and enhance fish and wildlife impacted by BC Hydro dams. For more information visit or call 250-352-1300.

Cranbrook Daily Townsman