There are two vacancies at the Victoria Police Board (Nicole Crescenzi/News Staff)

The City of Victoria is seeking a volunteer representative for the municipal police board

Qualified residents and members of equity-seeking groups are encouraged to apply.

  • Sep. 4, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Want a say in how Victoria’s police department is run?

The City of Victoria is seeking a citizen to be its volunteer representative on the Victoria and Esquimalt Police Board, with a minimum one-year term beginning in January 2022. Eligible Victoria residents are invited to apply for the position.

A municipal police board serves many functions. Mainly, it employs police department staff, consults with the Chief Constable to set goals for the department, creates a provision budget, and has authority for police service and policy complaints.

READ MORE: Police board requests racial, gender analysis of Victoria police force

The board has nine members, including the Victoria and Esquimalt mayors and five provincial government appointees, as well as two citizen representatives.

Board members meet together monthly and may also sit on sub-committees, attend panels or join other meetings as needed.

While anyone can apply, the City of Victoria is specifically looking to nominate a qualified resident who will reflect community demographics and can act in the public interest. Members of equity-seeking groups are encouraged to apply.

For more information, and to submit an application, visit the City of Victoria website. The deadline to submit the application form is Sept. 27 at 11:59 p.m.

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