The Elk Valley Hospital outlines pandemic procedures upon entry. Photos: Soranne Floarea/The Free Press

The Elk Valley Hospital outlines pandemic procedures upon entry. Photos: Soranne Floarea/The Free Press

The East Kootenay Foundation for Health gives back to healthcare workers and facilities

The EKFH partnered with local organizations to assist health care facilities thorughout the pandemic

  • May. 20, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The East Kootenay Foundation for Health (EKFH) developed a number of initiatives to give back to health care workers and hospitals through projects, community donations, and fundraisers.

The EKFH is an organization that assists in funding the East Kootenay Interior Health region through monetary donations, gifts, and medical equipment. They give to a number of hospitals, health centres, long term care homes, and community health programs in the region, including the Elk Valley Hospital, Sparwood Health Centre, and Elkford Health Centre.

To spread messages of hope to frontline workers, the EKFH developed their White Heart Project. Through this initiative, the EKFH is accepting messages of support and gratitude for local front line caregivers to post up in care homes and hospitals throughout the region. The messages will be written on white hearts to symbolize hope and purity, and hung in designated facilities for staff to read. The initiative is a way for the public to show appreciation and thanks for the dedication and selflessness of those serving the community throughout the pandemic.

The EKFH also suggests posting photos of the hearts to social channels, using the hashtag #whiteheartsEK to further spread the appreciation for frontline workers.

Cranbrook’s Denham Ford also partnered with the EKFH to donate face shields for distribution around the region. According to Steve Zsillei, marketing manager for Denham Ford, Ford Canada and Unifor joined forces to distribute roughly 2.5 million face shields to frontline workers throughout the country. When Ford Canada gave Denham Ford 100 face shields, they reached out to the EKFH to distribute them where need arises within the region.

“We are so thankful to Denham Ford. They continue to step up to the plate when there is a need for support in health care for the East Kootenay Region. These face shields will be available, not only in Interior Health, but also to community organizations such as the Salvation Army or Street Angels who are in need,” said Brenna Baker, executive director for EKFH. “With the changes coming up and reopening of facilities there will be certain places that require PPE. We want to be able to help our community get back on track and we know that PPE is difficult to come by these days.”

The EKFH is also partnering with the Fernie Fix to raise money to bring ultrasound services to the Elk Valley Hospital. To donate, visit

Fernie Free Press