The Future of Our Economy Starts Today

The Future of Our Economy Starts Today

The Creston Valley – Kootenay Lake Economic Action Partnership (CV-KL EAP) remains active

  • Oct. 30, 2017 12:00 a.m.

The Creston Valley – Kootenay Lake Economic Action Partnership (CV-KL EAP) remains active towards creating an “Economic Action Strategy” for our local communities between Yahk to Yaqan Nukiy to Riondel.

As the end of Phase 2: Determining Plan Direction is near, community ambassadors from Lower Kootenay Band, RDCK Electoral Area’s A, B, C and the Town of Creston remain eager to hear from you! They’ve been busy connecting with agencies, schools, and businesses through meetings and local events. Community input and involvement is critical for determining the direction of this plan.

Here are a few ways to have your voice heard right now:

• Complete the short Economic Action Partnership survey by Friday November 3, 2017. It is available online by visiting on your desktop, mobile, or tablet device. A paper survey is available for pick-up and drop-off at the following locations: Yahk General Store, Canyon Country Store, Race Trac Gas, College of the Rockies – Creston Campus, Creston & District Community Complex, Kootenay Employment Services, Creston Valley Public Library, Wynndel Foods & Outdoors, Sirdar Store, Lakeview, Destiny Bay, Gray Creek Store, Crawford Bay Market, and Riondel Market. Share with local friends, family members, and colleagues. The more information we gather, the better.

• Attend the Community Open House on Wednesday, November 8, 2017 from 5-7pm at the Creston & District Community Complex. It will be a drop-in for businesses, associations, and community members to share input about direction and ideas towards building a regional economic strategy. Kootenay Employment Services, who is leading the project, will be present with partners, community ambassadors, and Colleen Hamilton and William Trousdale from EcoPlan International; the experienced, Vancouver-based planning firm helping build our strategy. Guests will be informed about results from recent community engagement, questionnaires, and learn about next steps in developing the strategy.

• Connect with us. Follow us on Facebook @crestonvalleykootenaylake for up-to-date events and milestones. Tell your friends, family members, and colleagues to join the conversations happening right now.

In November, a steering committee will come together to review community feedback, determine the priorities, and help implement economic actions from Phase 3: Evaluation and Prioritization. Next, the CV-KL EAP partners will review the priorities and determine next steps and direction of Phase 4: Implementation. The intended date for implementation will commence in Winter 2018.

At any time, you can connect directly with your area’s community ambassador. They would love to talk to you about the project. To do this, please email , or if you prefer phone, call Laura Heykamp at 250-428-5655 ex. 429 and you’ll be connected to the right ambassador.

Remember, the future of our economy starts today.

Creston Valley Advance