The old mans friend

I went over to see a friend of mine, last Christmas Eve

  • Dec. 20, 2019 12:00 a.m.
The old mans friend

I went over to see a friend of mine, last Christmas Eve

an old man who lived by himself, I wanted to surprise him with a big box of cheese

As I walked up to his house I could see him there in the firelight

So I opened the door and stepped in, then shut it real tight.

I peeked around the corner and there he was sittin’ in his chair

he was leaning over and lookin’ at a little Christmas tree there.

The tree was kinda spindly, but it had been decorated real fine

no presents were underneath, but the angel on top, boy did it ever shine.

It was made from a beer can with a smiling face painted on a styrofoam ball

and I was just about to comment, when the old man began to drawl….

He said, “well little Christmas tree, I guess it’s just me and you again this year.

I hope you don’t mind where I sat you, why, you can see Nadina mountain from here.

I know it ain’t like home where it’s so peaceful and quiet and clean,

well it’s sure peaceful and quiet here! and it’s cleaner than what it seems.

And that angel I put on your top, well, she may not be proper to some peoples account,

she’s got a beer can body and a styrofoam head, but don’t they say it’s the thought that counts.

Why she’s even got tinsel hair that shines in the light of the fire

and no angel would be complete without a halo, so I made one for her out of soldering wire

Well, you’re not very pretty but shoot fire son neither am I

just think, if you’d a been a beautiful tree, we wouldn’t be talking here tonight.

Yeah, my son’s supposed to come down, but that’s what he said last year

So i guess it’s just me and you, now let’s have a little Christmas cheer!

I know trees can’t drink, but that’s no reason to look so glum

I’ll mix two and drink ’em both, sides, you wouldn’t like my hot-buttered rum!

But I feel sorry for you trees, it’s kind of a waste it seems

to take you away from your beautiful hills, just so’s we can enjoy a little green.

But don’t feel bad little tree, you know people do it to each other all the time

Yeah they cut ya down and then they stand ya up, and they don’t even wait for winter time.

Anyway, I guess we can’t complain

we got each other and our little angel friend, we’re happy in our little domain.

Well, I’d better hit the sack, you know tomorrow’s Christmas day

Maybe the good lord will let it snow, so’s all the kids can run and play.

Gonna have to unplug you now, but I’m so glad that you’re with me

you sleep tight and we’ll see you in the morn…God bless you little tree.”

Then the old man unplugged the lights and went to bed

but in the firelight I could see his eyes were kinda wet.

Well there wasn’t much else I could do, so I just set down my box stepped out in the cold

Heck, he didn’t need any company, for his very best friend lived right there at home.

– Written by Mike Robertson

Burns Lake Lakes District News