The only wasted vote is a vote not cast

As we head to the polls May 9, there is only one message to pass along: make an educated vote.

  • May. 8, 2017 7:00 p.m.

As we head to the polls May 9, there is only one message to pass along: make an educated vote.

Whether you vote for the party in power, the official Opposition, the upstart dark horse, or the representative who does not even have a leader, it matters not; as long as you vote, and you vote with your own conscience.

Do not let others bully you into making a decision.

There have been plenty of letters published, social media rants, and television ads, saying “vote for him” or “don’t vote for her,” or, “the only way we can rid ourselves of the current government is to vote this way.”

We implore you; do not buy into the rhetoric – not from the politicians, and not from your fellow voters.

The greatest thing about a true democratic system is that it allows you, the voter, to speak your mind.

May 9 may be the only true “free vote” of the next four years in the province of British Columbia.

Make sure when you go to the polls, you do so with a clear understanding of who you are voting for, and what that person offers to you, the constituent.

Voting to get rid of a reigning party, with no regard to what the consequences of that vote produces, is not what democracy is all about. Democracy is about having the free choice to elect the party you want to rule the government, and, to a more basic level, the opportunity to elect the person you want representing you, the constituent, in your riding.

Do not believe that a vote for your candidate, or the party of your choice, is a wasted vote.

As long as you have educated yourself on your decision, it matters not that you vote green, blue, orange, or red.

It only matters that you vote.

The only wasted vote is a vote not cast.

Do not fall into the wasted vote category.

On May 9, vote.


Terry Farrell, Comox Valley Record editor

Nanaimo News Bulletin