Izzy the Baker Street cat used to go by the name Steve French.

Izzy the Baker Street cat used to go by the name Steve French.

The origins of Izzy the Cat, AKA Steve French

Former feline owner contacted the Star to share Baker Street cat’s back-story

You can still call her Izzy, but Nelson’s 14-year-old Baker Street cat used to go by the Trailer Park Boys-inspired moniker Steve French according to former owner Tony Holland.

“While visiting the U.K. two weeks ago my wife contacted me,” Holland told the Star. “She told me my former cat was in the paper, yet again.”

This is nothing new for his former pet, who has appeared in multiple newspaper stories and was featured in local photographer Ryan Oakley’s book Humans of Nelson. But there’s still more to be told about her, said Holland.

“Steve French forced her way into my life one spring evening in the Slocan Valley. I found her in the middle of nowhere on the highway north of Slocan Park while attending a call as a member of the RCMP,” he said.

“She was nearly hit by vehicles going by. I threw her in my police vehicle and to make a long story short I reluctantly adopted her. After several life-changing events I found myself and Steve French moving to downtown Nelson.”

Izzy didn’t like her new home.

“She constantly ran away due to the renovation noise and lack of solitude at home. I used posters to find her, but she would bolt out the door anytime she could.”

Finally, after a long absence, he learned she was living at Cotton Creek Clothing with Noreen Lynas and seemed to be happy there.

“I want to give a huge thank you to Noreen and her staff for taking Izzy in. She is quite the character and I’m always amazed when I see her.”

Nelson Star