The search for Quesnel’s Golden Throat

Frank Sirianni is proud to present the Golden Throat karaoke contest.

Frank Sirianni is proud to present the Golden Throat karaoke contest.

Sirianni, banquet manager at the Best Western Tower Inn, has successfully run karaoke contests elsewhere, most prominently in Kindersley Saskatchewan, where the contest still runs annually.

“That contest was so successful, we had to move to bigger locations to accommodate everyone who wanted to participate,” Sirianni said.

Although he’s not an avid singer, Sirianni said he knows there’s talent in Quesnel and he intends to bring it forward.

“What I’m hoping is the contest will draw some interest for any of the singers out there that want to give it a try,” Sirianni said.

The contest started Feb. 9 and runs for five weeks, featuring six contestants every week and culminating  in the finale March 16.

The singer who places first will get automatic entry into the finals and the second place contestant will be put through to the next week to get a second chance at placing.

Contestants are able to choose songs from a catalogue containing “five to six thousand songs,” Sirianni said.

Moreover, if a contestant would like to sing a song which isn’t in the catalogue, they are able to bring a CD to the contest and if it is compatible with the karaoke system, they will be allowed to use that.

In addition to the five finalists, the second place contestant from the fifth week will be in the finals along with the people’s choice contestant.

Every week, viewers complete ballots to vote for who their favourite singer was and the contestant with the most ballots lands a spot to compete in the finals.

As for prizes, several sponsors have stepped up to the plate and donated gift certificates for the winning contestant including The Mad Tatter and Carver’s.

As there are only six spots for contestants, the first week and five for the remaining weeks, early registration is encouraged.

Entry is $20 and spectators have a $10 minimum required bill at Begbie’s.

Forms are available at the front desk at the Best Western Tower Inn.

Sirianni is hoping this event is successful and that it becomes an annual event, drawing more community members to the contest.



Quesnel Cariboo Observer