Mackenne Fortin-Parker and Ariel Taylor chat together as they share their picnic with a teddy bear.Jill Hayward photo

Mackenne Fortin-Parker and Ariel Taylor chat together as they share their picnic with a teddy bear.Jill Hayward photo

The teddy bears had their picnic, and what a wonderful picnic it was

The teddy bears had their picnic, and what a wonderful picnic it was.

The teddy bears had their picnic, and what a wonderful picnic it was.

With well over 30 children, plus parents, caregivers and friends the gymnasium at the Barriere Ridge on Sunday, Jan. 27, was filled for three hours with laughter, music and happiness during the Indoor Teddy Bear Picnic.

Barriere and Area Literacy Outreach Coordinator Jill Hayward (who is also editor of the Star Journal) organized the event. “It wasn’t all me,” said Hayward, “I had a small group of volunteers who just made the day for everyone; District of Barriere Councillors Judy Armstrong and Donna Kibble, 99-year-old Peggy Armstrong, Barriere Literacy Outreach tutor and PCMG facilitator Dawn McCormick, Barriere Parent Child Mother Goose facilitator Barb Morris, Angela Rutschke, Shirley Rowley, Gordon Proulx and Elli Kohnert. We also had some super music provided by well know country and western entertainer Gordie West. He went the extra mile for the kids and came with a full repertoire of children’s songs just for our event.”

The event proved a fun way to spend a winter day indoors with the kids and family. Attendees, both young and old alike, got to meet new friends and socialize. Youngsters played, sang, danced, ran around, used the slides, built Lego marvels, coloured, made play dough shapes, and snacked from the wonderful array of food that was available.

The Teddy Bear Parade and judging took place at 12:30 p.m. on the dot with everyone participating and following parade marshal Judy, while Gordie West played his guitar and sang the Teddy Bear’s Picnic.

The top bears were chosen, a ribbon for everyone, and a brand new book for every child.

“A highlight for the kids was the teddy bear doctor,” said Hayward, “And we thank Barb Morris for taking on the job. Each bear received a check up, a band-aid or bandage if needed, and a certificate of health.” Hayward says the Indoor Teddy Bear Picnic was sponsored by Interior Savings as part of their Unplug and Play Week, Barriere and Area Literacy Outreach, Yellowhead Community Services, the North Thompson Star/Journal and Black Press.

The event was held to recognize Interior Savings Unplug and Play Family Literacy Week, as well as Literacy Week in B.C. and Barriere.

Barriere Star Journal