The Week on the Beat

Cranbrook RCMP take 128 calls over week past, April 25 to May 2

  • May. 3, 2016 5:00 p.m.

For the Townsman

Cranbrook RCMP responded to 128 calls for service from April 25 (6 a.m.) to May 2 (6 a.m.), according to a press release issued by Staff Sergeant Hector Lee.

• One alcohol-related Immediate Roadside prohibition was issued, along with an Impaired Driving Charge under the Criminal Code.

• Three collisions were reported, and one Hit and Run. One person was charged under the Motor Vehicle Act in the Hit and Run incident. One collision involved an ATV, and resulted in minor injuries and person charged for having uninsured ATV on the highway. Both collisions involved two vehicles, some damage and minor to no injuries. Offending drivers charged in both these incidents.

• There were five responses to Mental Health calls — one individual was apprehended in total.

• There were five assault complaints, three of which were domestic in nature — two of these incidents resulted in arrests. One assault complaint was unfounded.

• Three thefts were reported.

• Two break and enters were reported this week past. One was at Kal Tire — four sea cans were broken into and an undisclosed amount of tires stolen This incident occurred the weekend of April 23/24). The other B&E was into a residence — it appears nothing was stolen from inside, possibly two bicycles stolen from the yard.

• There were three drug seizures — marijuana and cocaine.

Cranbrook Daily Townsman