Glass from a smashed passenger window sits on the ground next to vehicle damaged in the parking lot at the South Canoe trails on Saturday, Nov. 7, 2020. (JN Desjarlais/Facebook photo)

Thefts from vehicles at South Canoe trails prompt warning

Public encouraged to report any suspicious activity

Recent thefts from vehicles in the South Canoe trail system parking lot has prompted a warning to trail users not to leave any valuables behind.

On Tuesday morning, Nov. 10, the Shuswap Trail Alliance put out a public notice explaining there have been some recent thefts at the South Canoe parking lot. In one incident, on Saturday, Nov. 7, a vehicle’s window was broken.

A report of the Nov. 7 incident was shared by JN Desjarlais, along with her own warning, on Facebook. In the post, Desjarlais explains she had returned from a run to the parking lot where she found the vehicle next to hers had its window smashed out and pry marks on the side.

“I know other mischief and attempted theft has occurred in this parking lot lately, so please be careful and let’s watch out for each other and report any suspicious activity,” commented Desjarlais.

The trail alliance notice included a reminder to keep valuables out of sight and, echoing Desjarlais, to report any suspicious activity.

Salmon Arm RCMP Staff Sgt. Scott West went one step farther, suggesting you leave your valuables at home and only take what you need with you for the outing. If you do bring anything of value, he said to lock it away out of sight just in case someone is watching you leave your vehicle.

“This is an important message was we get into the gift giving season where drivers may store gifts in vehicles,” said West.

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