They’re back: Chilliwack’s caped crusaders

Chilliwack's caped crusaders are back at it — luring online child molesters out of the darkness into the glare of public scrutiny.

Chilliwack’s caped crusaders are back at it — luring online child molesters out of the darkness into the glare of public scrutiny.

RCMP Cpl. Tammy Hollingsworth confirmed the same group of teens had lured another adult to a public place with online promises of sex with a fictitious young female on Dec. 4.

And then they pounced with video cameras whirring to post the adult’s shame on YouTube for all to see.

But apparently there was a police officer in the parking lot, who stopped the filming and took a 24-year-old man away in a squad car.

Police said the teenage crusaders are not committing a criminal offense, so there’s little they can do — except warn them about the dangers of confronting these adult predators, and hope no harm comes to them

“We’ve warned them and we’ve spoken to them,” Hollingsworth said. “We don’t condone this.”

Last month, the group — two 17-year-olds, an 18-year-old and one 20-year-old — caused a media sensation when it was learned they were dressing up like super-heroes to out online child molesters.

Police said at the time that the youngsters admitted they had “made a mistake” and understood the dangers of their activities.

But apparently they’ve had a change of heart — and apparently there are still plenty of adult predators to catch.

Chilliwack Progress