Thieves swiping catalytic converters

Thieves are taking the pollution control devices from parked cars.

Thieves stealing catalytic converters in Langley are costing vehicle owners and dealerships hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Langley RCMP confirm that there has been a rash of thefts on the Surrey/Langley border, with one vehicle dealership being hit especially hard by the thefts.

“They are big but easy to remove,” said Langley RCMP Cpl. Holly Marks.

Nearly 100 have been stolen since January and it doesn’t appear there is an end in sight. Most have been taken from dealerships but many have also been stolen from vehicles parked in driveways.

The catalytic converter reduces engine emissions and contains platinum, which makes it worth something at a metal scrap recycling depot. But bylaws have been tightened and it is getting harder for thieves to bring these items in.

But police say thieves are still finding a way to convert the parts into cash.


Langley Times