This and That, May 20

News items of interest to Sooke News Mirror readers

  • May. 20, 2015 3:00 p.m.

Call out for photos

We’re looking for your best shots.

Sooke to Port Renfrew Tourism Association has issued an open call to all region photographers and videographers, amateur or professional, to submit their best shots to: Images and videos will be selected by our curation panel solely based on creative merit, and may be used on our website and marketing materials.

If chosen, you will get amazing exposure on the only official website for the region to thousands of locals and visits. All submissions will remain the property of the Sooke Region Tourism Association, and can be used to market the region, but we will always credit you.

Duck race winners

The winners are: The lucky six people who won in the Harbourside Lions Duck Race are: first Dhalia Tholke $1,000; Susan Bennett $500; Charnell Leblanc $400; Jacob Blaney $300; Laura Smith $200 and Linda James $100.

Congratulations to all of the winners, the money raises goes to help kids attend Camp Shawnigan and other charitable events.

Demolition noise

The land based demolition range at Bentinck Island will be in use 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily from Tuesday May 19 to Thursday May 21, 2015 and from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday May 22, 2015.

Bentinck Island is located near Race Rocks in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Used as a terrestrial demolition range by the Canadian Armed Forces local residents will likely be unaware of the activities except on days when environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity and wind direction effect how far the sound will travel.

Numerous studies have been conducted on the potential environmental effects of Bentinck Island demolitions. Specifically, blast noise in the marine environment during land based demolitions is almost undetectable by acoustic equipment above that of other underwater background sounds such as waves and marine life.

The public is reminded that no unauthorized person may enter this area and trespassing is prohibited.


dance party

Join us for a 60-minute cardio dance party!

Friday, May 22 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Saseenos elementary school.

$10 minimum donation, 50/50 Raffle

All proceeds going directly to the Sooke Family Resource Society’s “Caring for Communities” Affordable Counselling Program.

Doors open at 6:30 p.m. with the class running 7-8 p.m. Come early enough to check out the raffle prizes, get your name in on the draw and grab some 50/50 tickets.

Caring for Communities is made up of Registered Clinical Counsellors who give back to the community by offering sliding scale counselling outside of their regular practice.  (i.e those with lower incomes, or no or limited extended benefits). Going to see a private counsellor usually costs upwards of $100 per hour, and there is only free counselling for adults in Sooke if you are struggling with an addictions issue or have an urgent mental health concern – and there are often waits for both.

Despite this sliding scale option, there are still those in our community who would benefit from counselling who cannot afford to pay at all. We depend on donations to be able to offer these individuals, couples, or families the ability to attend a few sessions free of charge. More info can be found here: .


Concerning the “Sooke Fine Arts Society gets green light for mural”:

The mural is being completed by students and local Sooke artists not Sooke Fine Arts staff (since the mural would be pretty abominable if our administrative staff were involved!)

Grade 10 through 12 (not just grade 10)

Sarah Bradley is from the Pacific Centre Family Services Association not the Sooke Family Services.

If you have a small news item send it to the editor at: .

Sooke News Mirror