This week in History

Events of the week of June 9 from decades gone by.

June 11, 1926 Quite a number of cars went from Nakusp to Needles for the celebration of the 3rd of June. They all experienced the same difficulty in getting over the bad section of road over this side of Fauquier. In Nakusp, however, the most noticeable feature was the absence of flags. One hates to think that it was because of lack in loyalty, but rather it was an oversight on the part of our citizens. The King of England is a long way from British Columbia but we should be wiling to show our loyalty to him on the occasion of his birthday.

June 11, 1936 Revelstoke and district experienced the worst flood conditions ever known there over the last weekend, when the Columbia River exceeded the high water mark of 1894. The river overflowed its banks from Revelstoke clear through to Arrowhead leaving untold damage as a result.

Several thousand saw logs, which were put in the river about 20 miles up the Columbia last week, have all been scattered for the 50 odd miles up the Arrow Lakes where they were to be boomed for towing to the White Pine Lumber Co. mill at Nakusp. Mr. Leary, owner, will suffer quite a loss as it will be impossible to gather all the logs.

A district shock was felt in sand on on Sunday when it was learned that J.A. Black, businessman and postmaster there for over 30 years, had passed away in Kootenay Lake Hospital that day.

The height of the water in Arrow Lakes dropped as quickly as it rose. It has become very muddy in Nakusp. Sunday the mud was quite noticeable when the main part of the lake was muddy and the bay clear blue. By the following day the bay, also, was muddy.


June 13, 1946 Development work at the Silver Ridge Mine near Sandon is being reviewed, with a view to driving a lower tunnel.

At the informal reception held in the home of Mrs. John Taylor of New Denver, the Rev. T. Komiyama was welcomed as minister to the New Denver United Church. Hitherto the Rev. W. Dovery of Nakusp has taken service in New Denver on alternate Sundays, but at a recent meeting of the church board it was decided to ask Rev. Komiyama to take full responsibility for both English and Japanese services every Sunday.


June 7, 1956 At 11:30 p.m. Saturday, Alan Fraser and two companions, in passing another car at the intersection of Hillcrest street and the main road (White’s corner), ran off the road. The car smashed off the electric pole, took out several fence posts and stopped in the hay field. The three occupants escaped with minor injuries.

On Thursday Charles Ehl of Nakusp died at the age of 80 years. He arrived in Nakusp 53 years ago where he operated a barber shop for three of four years before moving to Brouse where he served for years as post master and proprietor of a general store until it was destroyed by fire.


June 9, 1966 Twenty-five graduates from the Nakusp Secondary School were honoured at a banquet ceremony Friday. Bill Dodge was Student of the Year and Clara Urban received the Athletic Award. The Valedictory Address was given by Carol Fulko and Norman Kozak was Class Historian.

June 9, 1976 Auga Witt was honoured by the Nakusp Guiding Association for her 21 years of continuous service at the annual mother and daughter banquet on Wednesday.

The BC Forest Service has rejected a proposal to upgrade and extend the trail along Nemo Creek on the west side of the Slocan Lake and stepped up the timetable for logging that drainage area. The creek is the focal point in Valhalla Committee’s efforts to have 122,000 acres of the west side of Slocan Lake placed under park status.


June 11, 1986 Forty-two young people from Nakusp Secondary School stepped onto the stage Friday to receive their graduation certificates. Cedra Eichenauer dominated the ceremony with the Principal’s Trophy, the Student of the Year Award and the Governor General’s Medal. Robin MacPherson received the Citizen of the Year Award and the Alan Taylor Trophy.


Arrow Lakes News