This Week in History

Events from the week of Nov. 4 from decades gone by.

  • Nov. 5, 2016 6:00 a.m.

November 5, 1926

Considerable activity is evident in the Big Ledge. Saturday a gang of men from Slocan City went up. They have taken a contract to build a tunnel 200 feet long. A contract for another tunnel has also been let. A barge load of lumber has also been sent up this week. They now have about six pack horses on the go most of the time.


November 5, 1936

William Shipmaker of Edgewood tied with Fred Tippie of Midway with the most points for his poetry in the Boys and Girls section of the West Kootenay and Boundary Districts B.C. Poultry Clubs competitions at Grand Forks. He scores 169 points in the Rhode Island Red Club.


The members of the Nakusp Women’s Institute celebrated the 27th birthday anniversary of the Institute at the Nakusp Opera House with a large crowd in attendance. Music, contests and other novelty items made up the program.


A telegram was received on Wednesday morning from Calgary of the sudden death of Archibald Brodie of Nakusp. He was 45 years of age and had farmed in the area since 1926.


Halloween night was a poor one for spooks and goblins. It was quite cold and the surrounding bench land was covered with a light fall of snow. As far as we could ascertain, very little trouble was caused by the pranks of the boys. Of course we found the merchants busy Monday morning cleaning their store windows, which, philosophically speaking, did no harm.


Since the new piece of construction work on the Edgewood-Vernon road has been completed, the road has increased in popularity, many preferring it to the Cascade route. Rumors are that this highway is to be part of the Trans-Canada Highway.


November 7, 1946

Oscar Bergman, resident of Silverton since 1918, died Thursday afternoon at the Slocan Community Hospital in New Denver.


The annual meeting of the Nakusp area of the Arrow Lakes Consolidated School area was held in the Nakusp school. F. Rushton was elected chairman, and Inspector Lucas explained the new set up of school management and election of trustees. The district, extending from Halcyon to Edgewood was broken up into three attendance areas with seven trustees. Nakusp’s share is three trustees, one for one year and two for two years. Two trustees are from the Arrow Park, Burton, Mount Ingersoll district and two from Fauquier, Needles, Edgewood and Inonoaklin Valley. The representation is based on the number of teachers in each area. Mr. Bedard and Mr. G. Brown were elected to two year terms and Mrs. Brown for a one-year term.


On Friday evening the Nakusp Dramatic Club presented three one-act plays to a large audience. “Two Crooks and A Lady” was the first offering, followed by “Goodnight Caroline”, a comedy, with “Heaven on Earth” rounding out the evening’s entertainment. Directors were Betty White, Mary Kirk and Alma Jordan. The plays were a gratifying success, both dramatically and financially.


The New Denver schools have been closed and the children have been quarantined for two weeks, due to an epidemic of Chicken Pox. Twelve cases have been reported.


The Selkirk Hotel of Silverton, owned by Ted Anderson, has recently been remodelled on the exterior. It has been covered with brick veneer and new full length verandahs installed along the front.


November 8, 1956

Dissolution of the Arrow Park Farmers’ Institute has lowered the number of farmers’ institutes in District F to 16. The Arrow Park group forwarded a balance of $19.69 to the central group.


November 3, 1966

The Fauquier-Nakusp highway construction will begin next summer. Hydro officials today said that clearing of a 200 foot right-of-way is scheduled to begin this fall and continue through the winter. It was also announced that the new highway would cut into Nakusp on the main street behind the Hydro substation. The location of the highway link has been of some concern to Village officials and Chamber of Commerce members.

The proposed centennial project of a caretaker’s house, comfort station and tourist booth was rocked Tuesday with the presentation of another proposal to the committee. A petition signed by 200 local residents was presented favouring a swimming pool. The committee made no decision in a meeting, which lasted until midnight.


November 3, 1976

Wilfred Jewett of Edgewood celebrated his 97th birthday at the Arrow Lakes Hospital on Sunday.


November 5, 1986 Monday marked the official opening of Dr. Brouse Lodge in New Denver. The 10 unit seniors housing complex is the end result of many months of hard work by many people.


After special court orders allowed candidates names to stand, there will be a municipal election in New Denver and a third person running for the Central Zone of Arrow Lakes School District No.10. Returning officer Bruce Woodbury refused to accept papers from Nick Antifaeff and Rod Reitmeier because they were not on the voting list, but later accepted them after receiving the court orders.


October 30, 1996 Just under four pounds of marijuana “Bud” plants were seized last week as a result of a search warrant being executed in Nakusp. Nakusp RCMP entered the residence of Lloyd Germaine Chatron, 32, located at cabin #2, 511 3rd Avenue just before noon on October 25. Once inside the RCMP located marijuana, hashish oil, paraphernalia for the purpose of hydroponic growing, a prohibited weapon- Nunchaku sticks- and a unsafely stored firearm. Chatron was arrested when he returned to the residence and was released on an undertaking by a justice of the peace. He is required to appear in provincial court in Nakusp on January 8, 1997 to answer to the charge under Section 4(2) of the Narcotic Control Act-Possesion of a Narcotic for the Purpose of Trafficking. After his release from custody, Chatron breached a condition of his undertaking and has been charged for conveying a threat- Section 264.1 (1) of the Criminal Code of Canada.


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