Multiple wildfires are currently raging in the South Okanagan, with the Thomas Creek and Nk’Mip Creek both growing over 10,000 hectares. (Mike Biden Photography)

Thomas Creek Wildfire now over 10,000 hectares

The fire grew by close to 2,000 hectares since Friday

  • Jul. 31, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The Thomas Creek Wildfire has crossed the 10,000 hectare mark, growing close to 2,000 hectares since Friday morning.

The fire has grown to 10,250 according to an update from the BC Wildfire service at 8 a.m. on Saturday.

Volatile fire behaviour that had been seen on Friday is continuing along the Derenzy and McLean Clan Lake areas on the north flank of the fire.

That behaviour led to BC Wildfire withdrawing their heavy equipment over safety concerns from the heavy smoke and higher fire activity yesterday.

READ MORE: Volatile Thomas Creek fire forces heavy equipment to withdraw

BC Wildfire hias noted that with the current conditions, there is a risk of subtropical moisture that could bring thunderstorms with dry lightning and gusty winds

They are expecting temperatures to peak in the afternoon and for the fire to become more difficult, particularly on the north flank.

The southern flanks are expecting to see controlled ignitions on unburnt fuel near the established fire guards, as well as expansion of those fire guards.

Efforts are being made with helicopters to ensure that the fire does not make it’s way north into the Christie Mountain drainage area.

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