Thompson Nicola Regional District Board Meeting highlights from July 19

The following are the highlights from the July 19, 2018 Thompson Nicola Regional District (TNRD) Board Meeting.

  • Aug. 9, 2018 12:00 a.m.

The following are the highlights from the July 19, 2018 Thompson Nicola Regional District (TNRD) Board Meeting.

4-H Fair Presents to Board

Evelyn Pilatzke, President of the British Columbia Agricultural Exposition, made a presentation to the Board of Directors seeking sponsorship for the 4-H annual event, which takes place this year from September 20 to 24 at the North Thompson Agriplex in Barriere. Pilatzke shared the event’s budget and revenues for the year. The funding request will be considered at the next regularly scheduled Board Meeting.

Fire Protection Services Update

Following a series of public information meetings and mail-outs to property owners, the Board approved referendums and the conduct of a public assent processes by petition to determine support for the establishment of TNRD-administered fire protection service areas in five communities.

Referendums Accepted; Bylaws Adopted

Referendums were held in McLure, South Green Lake, and Loon Lake on Saturday, June 23. The Board voted to receive the official results from the Fire Protection Service Area Establishment referendums in these three communities. As the majority of votes cast in the referendums were in favour of establishing these Fire Protection Service Areas, the following bylaws were subsequently adopted:

• McLure Fire Protection Service Area Establishment Bylaw No. 2649

• South Green Lake Fire Protection Service Area Establishment Bylaw No. 2650

• Loon Lake Fire Protection Service Area Establishment Bylaw No. 2651 and Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 2652

The Inspector of Municipalities provided approval and the fire protection service will officially go into effect in 2019 in all three communities.

Petition Process Received; Bylaws get Third Reading

The Board approved support for the establishment of TNRD-administered fire protection service areas in Little Fort and Tobiano. The Board also voted to receive Certificates of Sufficiency from the Fire Protection Service Area Establishment Petition Processes in Little Fort and Tobiano.

Because the public assent process by petition for establishment of a TNRD-administered fire protection service in Little Fort was successful, Little Fort Fire Protection Service Area Establishment Bylaw No. 2655 was given third reading by the Board. The establishment bylaw will now be forwarded to the Inspector of Municipalities for approval and then the bylaw will be adopted. Service establishment is anticipated for January 1, 2019.

Because the public assent process by petition for establishment of a TNRD-administered fire protection service in Tobiano and borrowing for the construction of a fire hall was successful, Tobiano Fire Protection Service Area Establishment Bylaw No. 2656 and Tobiano Fire Protection Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 2657 were given third reading by the Board.

The establishment and loan authorization bylaw will be forwarded to the Inspector of Municipalities for approval and then the bylaws will be adopted. Service establishment is anticipated for January 1, 2019.

For more information about the public assent processes and complete results, visit our website at

Search and Rescue Grants Approved

The following Search and Rescue Operating Grants were approved:

• $10,000 each for Kamloops, Logan Lake, Nicola Valley, Barriere, and Wells Gray Search and Rescue teams

• $3,325 for the South Cariboo Search and Rescue team

• The following equipment and training grants were also approved: Kamloops SAR — $19,917.50 Wells Gray Search and Rescue — $8866.78

Amendment to Lodge’s Liquor License Supported

The Board voted to give its recommendation for approval to the BC Liquor Control and Licensing Branch (LCLB) for the Helmcken Falls Lodge’s application to amend its Liquor Primary License.

The amendment will allow the lodge to sell beer, wine and cider to campsite users, hotel guests and other visitors to the area on a seasonal basis.

Because LCLB requires that local government consider and comment on specific criteria about the impact on the surrounding area for an amendment of this kind, the views of residents were gathered through a mail-out to neighbouring properties and local protective services agencies were consulted as well. It was found that the impact on the community would be considered negligible.

Policy Session Update

The Policy Review Committee updated the Board on policy changes and initiatives that are being worked on. The following policies were accepted for inclusion into the Board Policy Manual:

• Liquor Service Events on TNRD Properties Policy No. 2.1.5

• Insurance Requirements for TNRD Contractors – Associate Members Policy No. 5.4.1

• Conduct of Civic Building Patrons Policy No. 10.2

• Employee Code of Conduct Policy No. 7.1.5 and the accompanying guidelines in the Standards of Ethical Business Conduct for Thompson-Nicola Regional District Employees

• Guide to Requiring a Geo-Hazard Assurance Report Policy No. 13.1.9

Barriere Star Journal