Thornhill teen burned when marijuana oil ignites

POLICE SAY the boy was processing the oil when he dropped it on a mattress.

  • Sep. 12, 2013 7:00 a.m.

TERRACE RCMP responded to approximately 36 calls for service from September 11, 8 a.m. till September 12, 8 a.m.

During the same time period, there have been four people lodged in Terrace Cells – two of these people were lodged for public intoxication.

Downtown Terrace

Theft of unlocked silver Subaru parked on Greig Ave. The thieves started the vehicle by tampering with the steering column. The vehicle was taken out for what appears a drive and then returned. The vehicle was unlocked.

Police observed an intoxicated man in an incomplete state of dress lying on the ground near the Royal Bank. The 41-year-old man was arrested for public intoxication.

Two men fighting on Lazelle Ave. Investigation determined that it was a consensual fight brought on by a girl and jealousy. No injuries and no offence committed.

Group of intoxicated people passing a bottle around near the Happy Gang Centre on Kalum St.

Elsewhere Terrace

Warrants of arrest have been issued for a 38-year-old man, 52-year-old man, 24-year-old woman, 24-year-old man, and a 52-year-old man for failing to appear in court.

Landlord/tenant issues. Police involvement was not wanted. Police gave advice on the matter.

A woman fell off her bike and injured her shoulder when she avoided a collision with a beige van on the morning of September 6th at Eby/Hwy 16 crosswalk.

Warrant issued for apprehension of a 49-year-old man. Under investigation.

Suspicious red Plymouth Acclaim parked at Rona. Police spoke with a 21-year-old man and a 46-year-old woman in the car. Various items were located that did not belong to the two occupants and were seized. Drugs and drug paraphernalia were also seized. The vehicle was displaying an incorrect licence plate and did not have insurance. The vehicle was found not safe for the road and was towed.

Man and woman arguing in a parking lot on Sparks St. Police spoke with the couple and arrested the 18-year-old woman for public intoxication.

A person knocking on the door of a residence on Park Ave at a late hour. The person left prior to police attendance. Checks were done of the area.

Familial dispute. Police transported a 35-year-old woman to an alternate location to sleep for the night.

Vandalism to a black 2005 Dodge Dakota truck. The windshield was smashed, the hood dented, and the body was scratched up. Under investigation.

False business alarm on Kalum St.

Erratic driver in a grey/black truck at Keith Ave./Sande Overpass. Almost hit a person in a crosswalk.

A man advised his neighbour that he took her cat and dropped it off in the middle of nowhere. Under investigation.


Trailer on fire on Queensway Dr. A mattress caught on fire when a 17-year-old boy dropped some marijuana oil on it that he was processing. The boy suffered burns to his hands that were treated by Emergency Health Services. Damage to the trailer was minimal.


A small dog was attacked by another dog on Kroyer St causing minor injuries. Police spoke with the owners of the dogs. Advice was given.

Assist Kitimat RCMP.

Familial dispute. Rude behavior and hurtful remarks. No offence committed. Police gave advice on the matter.

A variation order to the sentence of a youth. Supervision order terminated.

Breach x 2 of no contact conditions. Under investigation.

Drug information received.

Erratic driver in a red 2004 Jeep Cherokee on Kalum Lake Dr.

False alarm at Furlong Bay. Cancelled prior to police attendance.


Break and enter to a residence on Gyiik Rd. Under investigation.

People with information on crime are asked to contact the Terrace RCMP at 250-638-7400 or anonymously through Crime Stoppers by telephone at 1-800-222-TIPS, online at or by texting TERRACE plus your message to 274637 (CRIMES).

If your information leads to an arrest, you may be eligible for a cash reward of up to $2,000.

Terrace Standard