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Three Hope Standard reporters up for six Ma Murray awards this year

Emelie Peacock, Jessica Peters and Barry Stewart all finalists for community journalism awards

  • Mar. 22, 2021 12:00 a.m.

After an unprecedented and unforgettable year of COVID-19 and community journalism, The Hope Standard is a finalist for six Ma Murray Community News Media Awards

Former reporter Emelie Peacock is a finalist for the following:

Editorial Award for “Cat Killers”

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Neville Shanks Memorial Award for Historical Writing for “History Coming Down”

Outdoor Recreation Writing Award for “Mosquitoes, mountain views and Trail magic”

Spot News Photo Award for “Potash Crash”

Former reporter Jessica Peters is up for one award – Feature Photo Award for “Never too early.” Freelance sports reporter Barry Stewart is in the running for the Sports Photo Award with “For the love of hockey.”

RELATED: Pattie Desjardins honoured for years of service at annual Ma Murray awards

The Ma Murray Awards Gala takes place virtually this year on April 29.

The Ma Murray Awards is named after Margaret Lally “Ma” Murray, a longtime newspaper editor and publisher who passed away in 1982 at the age of 94. A community journalist for decades, Murray was known for her rapier wit and unflagging opinions all written in what would become her signature terrible spelling and grammar.

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Hope Standard