Three mosaics will be revealed during Japanese Canadian Mosaics Unveiling Celebration

Three mosaics will be revealed during Japanese Canadian Mosaics Unveiling Celebration

The celebration begins at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 5 at the Ashcroft Public Library

  • Sep. 28, 2019 12:00 a.m.

By Andrea Walker

Ashcroft Communities in Bloom Society

Excitement is building for the unveiling celebration of mosaic public art honouring our Japanese Canadian citizens on Saturday, Oct. 5 . A number of dignitaries, including the Consulate General of Japan in Vancouver, Takashi Hatori, will be here for this wonderful celebration.

The unveiling ceremony will begin at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 5 at the Ashcroft Public Library with a mosaic entitled “Sister City Synergy”.

This interpretation of two original paintings by local artist Royden Josephson and Japanese artist Kazuhiko Nagaki celebrates our dynamic cultural diversity and strengthens our bond with Bifuka, our Japanese sister city.

Everyone will then take a short walk to the north end of the IDA Pharmacy building to unveil “Kan Jo”.

The mosaic title, “Kan Jo”, translates to “forgiveness without resentment” and is a poignant reminder of our history.

Despite losing everything and [being] forced to live in internment camps during World War 2, our Japanese-Canadians continued to live an honourable and exemplary life through hard work and grace.

The mosaic by Marina Papais and Daniel Collett together with the leadership and assistance of our local Japanese Canadian citizens is a strong visual illustration of how a group of people can rise above historical hardships with dignity, integrity and grace.

From the IDA Pharmacy, attendees will move to the Harmony Bell Tower at the south end of Heritage Park.

The unveiling of the Japanese Harmony bench, fronting the Japanese Canadian mosaic, completes the Harmony Bell tower project.

There will be a transit bus available for those attendees who cannot walk or who may need assistance travelling from site to site.

Once the three unveilings have been completed, everyone is invited to the Ashcroft Community Hall where a luncheon and refreshments will be provided and attendees will be treated to a Japanese musical performance.

A huge thank you to Marina Papais and Daniel Collett whose energy and vision continue to inspire beautiful pieces of public art, involving all facets of our community and adding unique character to our quality of life in Ashcroft.

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