The Northern Expedition, shown here ready to load, is holding fast at the Bear Cove terminal. (Zoe Ducklow photo)

Three sailings between Port Hardy and Prince Rupert cancelled due to COVID

Northern Expedition live-aboard crew isolating, sailings cancelled as precaution

  • Mar. 26, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Three ferry sailings between Port Hardy and Prince Rupert on March 25 and 26 were cancelled after a Northern Expedition crew member tested positive for COVID-19.

The announcement was made Wed. March 24, affecting routes between Prince Rupert and Skidegate on March 25, and service from Prince Rupert to Klemtu, Bella Bella and Port Hardy on Friday.

Instead the crew came straight to Port Hardy where they are currently isolating. From the Bear Cove terminal it will sail directly to the maintenance facility in Richmond for its annual refit and cleaning, which it was already scheduled to do.

“The local Public Health Authority has completed contact tracing and advised there is no risk to the public,” said Executive Director of Public Affairs, Marketing & Customer Experience, Deborah Marshall.

The replacement ferry, the Northern Adventure, recently completed its annual refit and cleaning and will take over service in Port Hardy on Saturday, March 27.

The northern class ferries are live aboard ships, where crew stay in congregate housing.

“These events speak to the importance of our ferry workers receiving vaccinations, especially on live aboard ships. We thank the Province for their timely support to vaccinate workers on Northern vessels, which is already underway,” Marshall said.

BC Ferries did not confirm how many passengers are affected by the cancellations, or how many staff tested positively.

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North Island Gazette