Thrift Store getting facelift

After years of saving and planning, the Dr. Helmcken Auxiliary Thrift Store in Vavenby is getting a facelift

Jan Westendorp of Hazel's Housing removes an old window on the old section of the Hospital Auxiliary Thrift store in Vavenby recently.

Jan Westendorp of Hazel's Housing removes an old window on the old section of the Hospital Auxiliary Thrift store in Vavenby recently.

After years of saving and planning, the Dr. Helmcken Auxiliary Thrift Store in Vavenby is getting a facelift.

The new addition has been in use for a few months, the old pricing room is now being used as sales space and stock is now displayed in a manner that makes shopping more of a pleasure and less of a treasure hunt.

With the interior spiffed up, the exterior changes are next on the agenda. Hazel’s Housing has the contract to finish off the outside. The siding has already been applied to the new addition and crews are now working to prepare the old building for the same vinyl siding.

The work is progressing carefully. The old building isn’t as square, level or plumb as the carpenters might like and they are being  sure to measure and cut carefully. New windows will also be installed in the old section of the thrift store.

The construction will not affect the store’s business hours.


Clearwater Times