Trail RCMP ask parents to speak to their children about safe routes to and from home now that school has started. Photo: Margaret Weir/Unsplash

Thumbs up to Trail RCMP for returning two children home safely

Siblings wander off from their East Trail home Friday night, police track them down

Trail police are advising parents to have a talk with their children about personal safety after two little ones wandered away from their home Friday night.

Fortunately the Sept. 3 call of two children missing from their East Trail home has a happy ending.

Officers located the five-year old and eight-year old brother and sister in downtown Trail after receiving a 8:15 p.m. call that the siblings had wandered off.

“The children were apparently trying to get to Castlegar to visit one of their friends,” Trail Sgt. Mike Wicentowich reports. “A RCMP officer spoke to the children about the dangers of leaving their homes without an adult. The boy and girl returned safely home to their relieved parents.”

Trail RCMP ask parents to speak to their children about safe routes to and from home now that school has started.

The sergeant suggests to map it out with them if you can.

RCMP safely rules for children walking alone or in groups without adult supervision:

– Always use the crosswalk or designed crossing locations whenever possible.

– Always wait for the traffic lights to indicate it is safe for you to cross the road.

– Always listen to the school crossing guard to tell you when it is safe to cross the road.

– Stop, look, and listen before crossing the road to ensure traffic had stopped for you and it is safe to cross.

Drivers can help by:

– Be alert and watch out for school age children. Children can be unpredictable and not realized the hazards and risks to them on the roadway.

– Obey all traffic speed limits and signs.

– Taking the initiative to slow down and share the road with pedestrians and bicyclists.

– Do not block crosswalks with your vehicle.

– Never pass a school bus when it is stopped to pick up and drop off children. This is one of the greatest risks to children being hurt or killed.

– If the bus has its yellow or red lights flashing and the stop sign arm is extended, all traffic on both sides must come to a complete stop.

– Be patience and kind to others in school drop off and pick up zones.

Read more: Trail RCMP remind drivers to slow down in school zones

Read more: The Bailey primes to welcome theatre-goers to downtown Trail

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