Time to get involved

Municipal Elections are just around the corner and the time to run is closing fast.

  • Sep. 13, 2011 7:00 a.m.

Jessica Schwitek


The Golden municipal election may not be until November 18, but it is not too early for the community to get involved.

“Nomination packages are now available,” said Jon Wilsgard, chief election officer.   These nomination packages, which require two signatures from nominators and a statement of intent from the nominee, are available at Town Hall.

“I have this small window to receive nominations,” said Wilsgard, who will be accepting nominations from 9 a.m. on October 4, until 4 p.m. on October 14. “At 4 p.m. I can officially announce the nominees running.”

Until that time Wilsgard is very careful not to speculate.  “All bets are off when I announce the election,” he said.

All nomination packages picked up will be kept confidential, but any submitted nominations will be public knowledge.

The general local election will cover one mayor and six councillors for a three-year term from December 2011 to December 2014.

“It is possible to have acclimation,” said Wilsgard, meaning that the exact right number of nominations come in to fill the seven positions. This would result in no election. “But it’s never happened to me.”

Wilsgard recalls that back in 2008 he received too few nominations, and then, after extending the nomination period, there were about 15.

“We went from too few to too many,” he said.

One of the main objectives, however, is to try to get voters out to the election this year, which will be held at the RecPlex.

“I don’t have the numbers on hand, but it was below 50 per cent,” said Wilsgard of the last election’s voter turnout. “We’re always trying to increase voter turnout.”


Golden Star