Elsa and Derek Dinzey and their new daughter Reagan, who is the first baby born in Langley in 2016.

Elsa and Derek Dinzey and their new daughter Reagan, who is the first baby born in Langley in 2016.

Timing of New Year’s baby a surprise for parents

Reagan Dinzey was the first baby born in Langley in 2016.

Elsa and Derek Dinzey didn’t think their daughter would be the first born in Langley this year.

“She wasn’t due until the fourth, the third or fourth,” said Elsa.

But Reagan Dinzey is Langley’s New Years baby, the first born at Langley Memorial Hospital after the start of 2016.

“She wasn’t born until the afternoon,” said Elsa.

They were sure someone else must have had a child before the Dinzey’s arrived at the hospital.

In fact, there was a bit of an unofficial competition underway.

“There was another couple that was in labour as well,” Derek said.

“They weren’t sure who had ‘won,’” Elsa said.

But eventually the nurses confirmed that Reagan was the official first baby of the year, to the surprise of her parents. Reagan was born with the help of local midwife Leigh Sheppard.

The only thing her parents had worried about was that their third child would be born during or before the holidays. Derek joked that they just wanted her to be born after Christmas and New Years.

She managed that, and also has a birthday close to those of her two older brothers. Gavin, three, was born in late December and Kurtis, two, was born in January.

It’s now a big time of year for the Dinzey family.

“We had gotten engaged on Jan. 1,” Derek noted, adding that anniversary to their daughter’s birthday.

As the first baby of the year, Reagan went home with a package of items provided by the Langley Memorial Hospital Auxiliary, including blankets and clothes.

She’s been a quiet baby so far, mostly just sleeping and eating, her parents noted.


Langley Advance