Kal Tire donates to the new Silver Valley Gathering Place, with a big cheque accepted by Mayor Mike Morden. (Special to The News)

Tire shop donates to Maple Ridge city project

Kal Tire will provide soft landings at Silver Valley Gathering Place parkour course

A Maple Ridge business made a financial donation to the new Silver Valley Gathering Place.

Mayor Mike Morden met with Jim Baker, local Kal Tire Zone manager, to accept a $20,000 grant from Kal Tire’s RePlay Fund, to be used for the safety surfacing of the parkour course that is part of the new Silver Valley Gathering Place currently under development.

“It’s been gratifying to see the uptake on this program around the region and we are very proud that this Maple Ridge project will enhance the safety in this new recreation space as well as divert approximately 885 car tires from the landfill,” said Kevin McCarty, senior specialist, social responsibility for Kal Tire.

The project, expected to open late Spring 2022, will see a 1,615 square foot safety surface installed using 13,707 pounds of recycled rubber.

“This is a great initiative that sees recycled tires being used to enhance park safety in the Silver Valley Gathering Place,” said Morden. “On behalf of council and our community, I want to thank Kal Tire for this grant and their proactive approach to sustainability.”

READ ALSO: Construction to start on new Silver Valley Gathering Place

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The facility will cost almost $1.5 million. It is located adjacent to Blaney Hamlet Park on 230A Street, and will feature a covered pavilion, plaza with seating, washrooms, skateboard elements, parkour course and open grass area for community events.

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