Tofino’s municipal council is back to seven members as the town’s CAO Bob McPherson swore in new mayor Dan Law and new councillors Cathy Thicke and Jacky Challenger on March 23. Immediately following their oaths of office, the three new members joined councillors Al Anderson, Tom Stere, Britt Chalmers and Duncan McMaster for their first council meeting since being elected in Tofino’s March 6 byelection. (Screenshot from March 23 council meeting via Zoom)

Tofino’s new mayor, councillors sworn in

Dan Law, Cathy Thicke and Jacky Challenger officially join council.

Tofino’s municipal council is back to a full roster of seven members.

The town’s new mayor Dan Law and two new councillors Cathy Thicke and Jacky Challenger participated in their first council meeting since being elected in Tofino’s March 6 byelection, joining councillors Tom Stere, Britt Chalmers, Duncan McMaster and Al Anderson on March 23.

“Congratulations to each of you for being successful in the recent byelection,” said Tofino CAO Bob McPherson prior to swearing the new council members in.

“It will be great to work with a council of seven once again.”

Law opened the meeting by thanking the community for trusting him with the role.

“Over the past couple of months, I’ve had the opportunity to speak to many, many community members and, perhaps more importantly, I’ve had the opportunity to listen to the many hopes and desires and concerns our community has. I want to assure all that I’ll bring those forward to my role as mayor,” Law said.

“We do have many challenges ahead, from infrastructure and community health to improving social amenities and though those challenges can be great, they also offer the opportunity for great success and I look forward to working with this council, with district staff (and) with our community to meet all those challenges. Together we can overcome, we can work together as a community, we can grow together as a community. So, I look forward to the next 18 months working together. I think it’s going to be a great time and I think we’re going to do some good things together.”

The town’s next municipal election is scheduled for October 15, 2022.

andrew.bailey@westerlynews.caLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

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