The rebuild of Tolko’s Lakeview Division sawmill is on target to re-open in February 2019 the company confirmed. Photo submitted

The rebuild of Tolko’s Lakeview Division sawmill is on target to re-open in February 2019 the company confirmed. Photo submitted

Tolko Lakeview Division sawmill rebuild targetting February start-up

100 people are presently working at the construction site

Rebuild of Tolko’s Lakeview Division sawmill in Williams Lake is in full swing with a target restart in February 2019, confirmed plant manager Jason Favel this week.

In November 2017 a fire at the site damaged the saw filer and general sawmill offices, necessitating the sawmill to be shut down and the company making the decision to reconstruct it.

Read more: Fire crews fight for local economy

Favel said the project team has made great progress, with an “excellent safety record to date.”

“The structural assembly of the building is nearing completion with the interior cladding and roofing well under way,” Favel said. “The electrical wiring and machine alignment is now the priority in the schedule.”

There are more than 100 people on site currently working on the rebuild, Favel said, noting getting timely deliveries of material and equipment has been a challenge with how busy the construction industry is currently.

“But the weather has been more than co-operative thus far — only a few difficult days.”

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