The City of Chilliwack says there’s too much spitting going on at the Sardis Sports Complex. (City of Chilliwack photo)

The City of Chilliwack says there’s too much spitting going on at the Sardis Sports Complex. (City of Chilliwack photo)

Too much spitting a problem at Chilliwack’s Sardis Sports Complex

The City of Chilliwack is asking the minor hockey community to ease up on expectorating

Spitting isn’t a great habit at the best of times. During a pandemic where a virus is spread by mouth droplets, it’s a super no-no.

And yet, spitting is so prevalent at the Sardis Sports Complex that the City of Chilliwack has sent out a letter asking for less of it.

The communication was sent to Chilliwack Minor Hockey president Lee McCaw, who passed it along to CMHA membership.

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“I am sending this email to voice staff’s concerns about the amount of human spit they are having to clean up in various locations of all three ice sheets,” the letter explained. “Under any circumstance it is not a pleasant sight or experience but during COVID-19 it presents a clear and significant health risk to the staff. The virus is spread through human droplets and can stay alive for a long period.”

The letter asks for an immediate stop to the spitting, followed by a warning.

“If any user group does continue to spit in places where they shouldn’t, for the safety of the staff and other patrons we will unfortunately have no choice but to discontinue the users groups access to the facility.”

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Chilliwack Progress