Tot falls two floors

Tot falls two floors

Four-year-old was seemingly uninjured after tumbling form the family balcony.

A four-year-old who fell two storeys this week was not seriously injured.

On Thursday afternoon (June 4), Surrey RCMP were called to an apartment building in the 14900-block of 105 Avenue for a child that had fallen from a second-floor balcony.

The child was not showing signs of injury, but was taken to hospital as a precaution.

Police say the youngster had come out of the apartment through the balcony and climbed onto a chair that was against the exterior railing.

The child then climbed onto the railing and tumbled about three metres (10 feet) onto the ground below.

Surrey RCMP are reminding parents that, with the warmer weather, they need to be careful not to leave windows or patio doors open where a child can access them.


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