Tourist from as far as Germany and Australia stop in

It was a busy month for the Burns Lake & District Chamber of Commerce visitor information centre.

  • Aug. 16, 2013 5:00 a.m.
Kaitlin Bysouth and Abby Rempel wearing their Village of Burns Lake 90 anniversary t-shirts at the Burns Lake Information Centre. Bysouth and Rempel help keep the centre open seven days a week.

Kaitlin Bysouth and Abby Rempel wearing their Village of Burns Lake 90 anniversary t-shirts at the Burns Lake Information Centre. Bysouth and Rempel help keep the centre open seven days a week.

It was a busy month for the Burns Lake & District Chamber of Commerce visitor information centre.

Staff at the village info centre reported that 951 individual and multi-person parties visited the centre during the month of July. That number works out to 1569 individuals stopping in for area information.

Most of the travellers were passing through and looking for local information, but out of the 1569 visitors to the info centre, 412 nights in the community were recorded. A night in the community could mean anywhere from one to 10 nights in town, and could be time spent at campgrounds, motels, or with friends and relatives.

On average, three visitors an hour use the information centre, which currently employs two summer students to keep the centre open seven days a week, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Feedback from visitors has been very positive, info centre staff report. In particular, the almost completed downtown revitalization work has received a lot of positive feedback from visitors.

One area for future consideration that comes up occasionally is the lack of conveniently located full-service campgrounds for RVers. Although the municipal campground is ideally located, it doesn’t offer electrical hook-ups.

Tourist have come from as far Germany and Australia including two tour buses, one from Italy and one from South Dakota.


Burns Lake Lakes District News