Town meeting count fine: Mayor

Qualicum Beach doesn't need more council meetings says Westbroek

The Town of Qualicum Beach is fine with the number of council meetings it currently holds and won’t add any others.

Councillor Dave Willie at the May 7 regular meeting — one that went well beyond 10 p.m. — sought a vote on adding a second such meeting each month. He noted recent sessions have lasted well into the night — a situation he said could be helped by adding a second meeting each month to spread out the issue up for debate.

“Instead of dealing with giant agenda packages, this could take the pressure off council and staff,” he said.

Coun. Mary Brouilette disagreed, saying adding another meeting would add work for staff, not lessen it.

“I am also opposed,” added coun. Scott Tanner.

“The (size) varies from meeting to meeting and staff does a reasonably good job in getting the important issues and agendas out to council on time.”

“Perhaps these meetings are too big,” said coun. Bill Luchtmeijer in support of Willie. “It is more than can be expected of one individual to read, comprehend and make a good decision.”

Willie noted that adding a second meeting doesn’t have to be more work for staff — suggesting they just spread the work they’re doing now out over two council meetings instead of one.

Mayor Teunis Westbroek noted, however, that council already has options for more meetings.

Those include their regular daytime meeting the fourth Wednesday of each month, the new committee of the whole sessions, which were just added this year, and the ability as a council to add an extra meeting when they deem necessary.

“We do have options,” said Westbroek, “and we just voted on April 2 on our meeting schedule. It’s time to stop changing the changes.”

A 3-2 vote ended talk of adding another monthly meeting.


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