Brent Clancy, president of the Cowichan Lake District Chamber of Commerce, takes down the signs at the Lake Cowichan Visitor Centre, which closed its doors for good on Jan. 31. Mayor Bob Day says the possible creation of a Town tourism committee is not a response to the closure. (Robert Barron/Citizen)

Town of Lake Cowichan looking to form tourism and housing committees

Decision not related to the Lake Cowichan Visitor Information Centre closure

Two new committees may be added to the Town’s Standing Committees list.

During the March 9 Finance & Administration Committee meeting Mayor Bob Day spoke on the feasibility of the creation of select committees for tourism and housing.

Day later confirmed his moving the idea was not in response to the shuttering of the Lake Cowichan Visitor Information Centre.

“This is something that, before I was elected, was brought up in the community a lot,” Day explained. “That we needed a community task force to get the residents and businesses and agencies like police and fire and ambulance engaged in an ongoing conversation about tourism and to try to and get a message from the public about what they think tourism is for the community.”

During the meeting, Councillor Lorna Vomacka said the preliminary discussions should be had by council with invitations then extended to business owners, RCMP and other stakeholders.

The mayor noted there are differing views on tourism around the Lake — some love it, others abhor it — but most everyone has an opinion.

“Tourists are the life blood of the community and some people don’t understand that,” Day said, noting tourism season is what props many businesses up during the slow winter months.

The two committees aren’t formed yet.

“It’s going to the next finance meeting and then before council to decide whether or not to form select committees,” Day said.

sarah.simpson@cowichanvalleycitizen.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

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