The Town of Qualicum Beach has amended its strategic plans. (PQB News file photo)

The Town of Qualicum Beach has amended its strategic plans. (PQB News file photo)

Town of Qualicum Beach re-prioritizes strategic plans

Staff members can now focus on 'core elements'

  • Oct. 3, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The Town of Qualicum Beach has re-prioritized its strategic plans.

Following a review on Aug. 31, a staff report was presented to council that re-prioritized objectives and revised timelines. The myriad of plans that town plans to undertake have been re-organized and classified into two categories.

Appendix A features plans that can be completed sooner and have been listed in one of the three time frames — short-term (the next six months), medium term (between six and 24 months) and long-term (more than 24 months). Outstanding items that doesn’t fall within the scope of the three time frames are being deferred indefinitely and placed in Appendix B.

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Council passed a motion at its meeting on Sept. 16 that the updated strategic priorities presented in Appendix A of the staff report be appended to the 2019 to 2022 Town Corporate Strategic Plan as amended.

The updated priorities in Appendix A which takes precedence over other objectives includes review of the fire service, town public works yard relocation, new airline carrier to the Qualicum Beach Airport, increase diversity of housing, the East Village and St. Andrew’s Park completion.

Chief Administrative Officer Daniel Sailland indicated that re-prioritizing the strategic plans will help staff focus more on core elements. He added that projects that have been shelved for now are still part of the town’s strategic plan that council can bring back to the fore if required.

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