According to Statements of Financial Information, the town’s payroll has grown 70.5 per cent in five years. File Photo

According to Statements of Financial Information, the town’s payroll has grown 70.5 per cent in five years. File Photo

Town payroll grows as salaries increase and new positions added

The total of $1,994,548 represents a 15.7 per cent increase in salaries over 2018.

The Town of Princeton had a payroll of nearly $2 million, in 2019.

That’s according to the municipality’s Statement of Financial Information (SOFI) released in June.

The total of $1,994,548 represents a 15.7 per cent increase in salaries over 2018.

Mayor Spencer Coyne noted that new positions were added over the past year, to keep pace with growth and new projects.

He said the municipality must also remain competitive with the private sector when attracting and retaining quality employees.

“We pay to get the best people,” Coyne said.

Five years previously, in 2014, the town payroll was $1,169, 414.

It has grown 70.5 per cent since that time.

The highest paid employee in 2019 was Chief Administrative Officer Lyle Thomas, who earned $138,915.

Under provincial law, the salary of any municipal employee earning more $75,000 must be disclosed.

Last year, 10 town employees reached that benchmark.

Related: A look at who got paid what in Princeton, 2018

Related: Town payroll climbs nearly 11 per cent in 2017

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