Township adopts revised Regional Context Statement

Move follows three years of court proceedings and a dispute resolution process

  • Nov. 18, 2016 7:00 p.m.
Township adopts revised Regional Context Statement

Township council has adopted a revised Regional Context Statement (RCS), after it was initially rejected by the Metro Vancouver Board in 2013.

Council approved the amended RCS on Nov. 7, following three years of court proceedings and a dispute resolution process that occurred after the Board refused to accept the Township’s initial RCS.

In 2011, Metro Vancouver adopted a Regional Growth Strategy called Metro Vancouver 2040 — Shaping Our Future. The strategy outlines how the region is going to accommodate a projected population increase of one million people over the next 25 years.

Under provincial legislation, all Metro member municipalities, including the Township of Langley, are required to update their Official Community Plans (OCP) to include a RCS that shows how the municipalities’ OCPs align with the Regional Growth Strategy.

The Township submitted its updated OCP and RCS to the Metro Vancouver Board in July of 2013. However, the Board had four objections with the RCS, relating to land use designations, the use of agricultural lands and the role of municipalities.

The Metro Vancouver Board took legal action against the Township regarding a number of rezoning applications, and in March and December of 2014, both the BC Supreme Court and the BC Course of Appeal, respectively, ruled in support of the Township.

That was followed by a dispute resolution process, as required by provincial regulations.

“A lot of work has gone into revising this document to ensure it meets both the needs of the Township and the goals of the Metro Vancouver Regional Growth Strategy,” said Township of Langley Mayor Jack Froese.

“We are confident that this amended document will be accepted by the Board and we can move forward with our plans to ensure Langley Township continues to grow and thrive, and is an exceptional place that people want to live and work in, while recognizing the value of the Regional Growth Strategy’s vision.”

If the Township’s revised RCS is accepted by the Metro Vancouver Board, the dispute resolution process will be concluded.

Langley Times