James Kennedy Elementary Grade 5 student Lauren Kim’s poster was chosen as the best design for a French slogan and logo. Now the Township is considering adapting the poster into a banner.

James Kennedy Elementary Grade 5 student Lauren Kim’s poster was chosen as the best design for a French slogan and logo. Now the Township is considering adapting the poster into a banner.

Township considering logo bearing French language slogan

Council recently received which may consider it for a possible banner program in the municipality

A new banner program in the Township could feature a poster with a French slogan.

Township council recently referred a poster from French Immersion student Lauren Kim to the Youth Advisory Committee which may consider it for a possible banner program in the municipality.

Lauren is a Grade 5 student at James Kennedy Elementary. In September, Grade 5/6 French Immersion teacher Marlee St. Pierre gave her class an assignment to design a French slogan and logo for Langley.

“We discussed all the reasons why Langley is a good community to live in,” St. Pierre wrote in a letter to council.

“The students came up with many factors, from friendly people to great shopping to freedom, but the most often stated reason was because of the healthy environment and green spaces.”

Lauren’s winning slogan and poster were chosen in a class vote.

Her design shows a sunny day in a beautiful park which has a bench for people to sit on as they watch a squirrel hiding in an apple tree.

Lauren chose the slogan Langley: Une bonne place pour une bonne vie, which, in English translates as Langley: A good place for a good life.

Langley Times