

Township goes before government

Spallumcheen officials are demanding action from B.C.'s new government.

Spallumcheen officials are demanding action from B.C.’s new government.

Council is hoping to meet with Premier John Horgan and cabinet ministers during the Union of B.C. Municipalities conference in September.

Primarily, the focus will be on Environment Minister George Heyman and the Hullcar aquifer.

“We want to find solutions that meet everyone’s needs — the management of waste and water protection,” said Doug Allin, the township’s chief administrative officer.

Recently, Heyman announced a review of the aquifer, which has been under a water quality advisory due to high nitrate levels since the spring of 2014.

While also at UBCM in Vancouver Sept. 25 to 29, Spallumcheen council hopes to meet with the Ministry of Transportation about Highway 97A upgrades and Horgan about a waste recovery plant for south Spallumcheen.

A meeting is also being arranged with the Agricultural Land Commission to discuss official community plan amendments for the southeast sector industrial area.

Firefighters praised

Armstrong-Spallumcheen firefighters continue to play a role during B.C.’s wildfire emergency.

Spallumcheen council was told Tuesday by fire chief Ian Cummings that a unit has been deployed to the Elephant Hill fire in the Cariboo.

“The equipment is still there,” said Doug Allin, the township’s chief administrative officer.

“They are attempting to extinguish that fire. Council congratulates all of the members for providing their time and representing the fire department.”

Vernon Morning Star