Township requires license

Spallumcheen sets out rules for medical marijuana operations

Persons hoping to operate a medical marijuana production facility (MMPF) in Spallumcheen must hold a valid medical marijuana producer’s licence issued by Health Canada.

That is one of, if not, the more important additions to a proposed amendment of the township’s business licence and regulation bylaw to clarify how MMPFs will be addressed.

“That’s the key to this,” said township administrator Corey Paiement at Monday’s regular council meeting.

Council adopted zoning amendments in October that will allow MMPFs in the A.2 agriculture and I.4 agricultural industrial zones and, on Monday, unanimously gave two readings to the proposed amendments.

The matter will now go to a public hearing on Monday, Dec. 15.

“Public notification and opportunity for public input is required by the Community Charter prior to adoption consideration,” said Paiement.

A review of the bylaw confirms that a business licence is required for a MMPF because it’s a business as defined in the bylaw.

An MMPF is a facility licences by the federal government under the Marijuana for Medical Purposes regulation, used solely for the produciton, manufacturing, processing, testing, packaging and shipping of marijuana and marijuana products for medical purposes.

The proposed amendment also states that accessory farm sales will be exempt from the bylaw. MMPF is not an accessory farm sale use.

Council also gave three readings to amend the township’s controlled substance property remediation bylaw.

An MMPF is confirmed to be a controlled substance property, and staff recommend that MMPFs be exempted from the provisions of the bylaw as they are regulated and approved by Health Canada, and permitted by the zoning bylaw in the A.2 and I.4 zones.

Council unanimously gave three readings and is expected to adopt the bylaw amendments Dec. 15.


Vernon Morning Star