Township talks transportation

The Township of Spallumcheen is working on transportation improvements

The Township of Spallumcheen is working on transportation improvements.

Council has approved staff’s transportation plan terms of reference, and has directed staff to begin a request for proposals (RFP) process for submissions from qualified consultants to complete the plan.

“The purpose of the transportation plan is to identify potential improvements and related investments to the transportation in the study area,” wrote deputy chief administrative officer Corey Paiement in a report to council.

Mayor Janice Brown said the plan would look at all roads in the township, from Highway 97A to entrances in and out of McLeod Subdivision, the Log Barn fruit stand and the Starlite Drive-In.

The cost of the plan is not to exceed $50,000.

“We’ll be using money we’ve received from the gas tax fund for this plan,” said Brown.

The plan will provide the township and the ministry of transportation with a priority list, along with a timeline for planned upgrades to the provincial highway network and township roads.

Yard upgrades

Spallumcheen’s public works yard will soon have a new salt storage structure, as council approved a bid of slightly more than $48,000 from Span Master Structure to construct the facility.

Council also agreed with a recommendation to accept a $24,000-plus bid from Ocana Construction Ltd. to build a concrete wash station at the yard.

Council also approved accepting a proposal from Landmark-Solutions in the amount of $21,000 to make repairs to the McCallan Bridge.


Vernon Morning Star