Track budget under review

A close eye is being kept on the budget for Greater Vernon’s new sports complex.

A close eye is being kept on the budget for Greater Vernon’s new sports complex.

Earth work continues for the running track and sports field next to Okanagan College and tenders should be issued soon for the next phase of the $7.5 million development.

“Each item so far has come in under budget even with the extra ground work,” said director Bob Fleming.

“There’s a little bit of wiggle room for each component.”

However, there is some concern the budget could face pressure when construction of various structures begins, including the washrooms, change rooms and officials’ office.

“We’re going to look at trying to control that,” said Fleming. “That component has become too big.”

The architect is currently looking at ways to scale back costs while still ensuring the viability of the facility.

“Instead of eight change rooms, maybe you get six,” said Fleming.

It’s anticipated the interior aspects of the project will be completed by Dec. 30, which fits within the Agricultural Land Commission’s timeline to have construction of the track and fields done by November.

“The ALC wasn’t concerned about landscaping which may carry on until next year. The physical component will be done,” said Fleming.



Vernon Morning Star