Tracking devices help RCMP recover laptops stolen from Maple Ridge schools

Devices were installed by school district, allow police to obtain search warrants.

  • May. 22, 2012 8:00 p.m.
RCMP recently recovered four stolen laptop computers.

RCMP recently recovered four stolen laptop computers.

Tracking devices help recover four laptop computers that had been stolen from local schools.

The tracking devices were installed by the Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows School District’s computer systems analysts, allowing them to monitor any computer stolen from a school in the district.

This system is similar to a bait car, whereby it can be monitored once it has been stolen with real time capture of information.

When a computer is stolen, the School District liaises with Ridge Meadows RCMP and provides detailed information that is reported by the computer. This allows police to obtain grounds to obtain a search warrant of where the computer is located.

The Ridge Meadows RCMP Street Enforcement Unit, with help from the school district, recently recovered and returned four laptop computers after executing search warrants.

“Ridge Meadows RCMP fully support School District 42’s initiative,” said Cpl. Alanna Dunlop said. “This technology will certainly assist police in recovering expensive school equipment, if it is stolen. It should also assist schools in reducing incidents of thefts, once thieves learn this is in place.”

Police also advise to be careful when purchasing items – especially portable ones such as laptop computers, on Craigslist or in too-good-to-be-true scenarios – to ensure that they are not stolen.

“As you will be out of pocket when the police seize the stolen computer and return it to the school district.”

Maple Ridge News