Trafalgar Park blaze prompts warning from fire department

Despite often cool summer, threat of brush fires very real

Park users in Oak Bay are reminded to be careful with any flammable material, after a brush fire consumed nearly two acres of land in Trafalgar Park.

The fire, which happened last Friday (July 22) around 7 p.m., spread quickly due to strong westerly winds, said Deputy Fire Chief Dave Cockle.

Paul Smith, whose Lorne Terrace home overlooks the hillside where the fire started, said he saw smoke coming from nearby gorse bushes. His wife called 911, while he grabbed fire extinguishers. Once outside he found the tiny fire had grown to the “size of a van.”

He and other family members tried spraying the flames with a garden hose, but weren’t able to slow the blaze down. “By that time, it was fire department material,” Smith said.

The fire came within eight or nine metres of his home.

The cause of the fire was still unknown as of early this week, but one possibly being considered was an errant cigarette.

Oak Bay News