Traffic calming in works for 53 Avenue school zone

City of Langley will spend $52,000 on measures to slow vehicles near Nicomekl Elementary school

Cars speeding along 53 Avenue will soon find a bump in their road now that the City of Langley has opted to spend $52,000 on traffic calming.

The portion of road fronting Nicomekl Elementary school between 200 Street and 201A Street will receive two speed tables, curb extensions at 201A Street, a raised crosswalk and bike lanes — the most expensive of four options presented to council.

The upgrades come after numerous reports of cars speeding though the area at  over 50 km/h, and drivers not stopping for pedestrians at the 201A Street crossing.

A public open house was held at Nicomekl Elementary on Sept. 17, and 562 ballots were sent to surrounding residences for feedback. Of those ballots, 86 were returned with 79 per cent saying “yes” to traffic calming.

Construction is expected to be complete by the end of the year, weather permitting.

Langley Times