Traffic crackdown proves effective

The Lake Cowichan RCMP have been strategically directing its resources toward the goal of reducing the number of traffic accidents within its jurisdiction over the past several years.

  • Oct. 3, 2011 9:00 a.m.


Dave Voller

Lake Cowichan RCMP Sgt.

The Lake Cowichan RCMP have been strategically directing its resources toward the goal of reducing the number of traffic accidents within its jurisdiction over the past several years.

The goal, identified by police and other stake holders such as local politicians, has been persistently worked towards during the entirety of that time by employing a number of local initiatives.

These initiatives include such things as enhancing police visibility on the roadways – especially Highway 18 – increasing overall enforcement, including the number of written warnings as well as violation tickets issued to drivers, and the targeting of impaired drivers through the use of check stops and the acquisition of more alcohol sensing devices.

Our local officers work in conjunction with our South Island Traffic Services as well as the Integrated Road Safety unit

Both of these groups have played an integral role in pursuing our goal of ‘safe streets’ for those travelling our roadways in the Cowichan Lake area.

A recent review of our statistical data reveals that the overall number of accidents reported to our office has in fact decreased significantly over the past three years, from 94 collisions in 2008/2009, down to 72 in 2009/2010, and down again to 53 in 2010/2011.

While there are a number of external factors such as weather and road conditions that contribute to the number of motor vehicle accidents, we are optimistic that our efforts on your behalf are also contributing in a positive way to the achievement of our continued goal.


Lake Cowichan Gazette