Trail Times file

Trail Times file

Trail announces cancellation of Silver City Days

The annual event was slated over five days starting May 6

It’s true.

For the first time in well over 50 years, the City of Trail’s annual May celebrations are cancelled.

The coronavirus pandemic has forced cancellation of the 2020 edition of Silver City Days, which was slated to run from May 6 to May 10.

“We understand the cancellation of Silver City Days is very disappointing,” said Coun. Colleen Jones, chair of the Silver City Days planning committee.

“Silver City Days is a huge event that draws thousands of people into various Trail venues,” she said.

“Considering the importance of COVID-19 prevention and the health and safety of our community, our only choice was to cease planning immediately and to cancel this year’s event.”

The committee is now contacting the sponsors, volunteers, community groups, local organizations, and vendors, who previously committed their donations and services, to inform them of the cancellation.

“There are so many moving parts to this event,” said Jones.

“We are very sympathetic to those who rely on events such as Silver City Days for fundraising and revenue, but everyone thus far has been very understanding considering the extraordinary circumstance.”

Riverfront Food Fair vendors will receive their deposits back, and the municipality will work directly with Shooting Star Amusements and the booked entertainers to resolve any contractual obligations.

“Lastly, I would like to express our gratitude to those sponsors, volunteers, and organizations who continue to dedicate their time and resources to the success of Silver City Days,” said Jones.

“This event continues to thrive because of your support. We look forward to working with all of you again next year.”

Federal and Provincial Government Health Officials strongly recommend social distancing and the cancellation of events involving 50+ people to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

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Trail Daily Times