Trail Creek (Trail Times file photo)

Trail Creek (Trail Times file photo)

Trail area monitors spring melt

After an eventful spring 2017, run off-related conditions are much more sedate this year, so far

So far the spring melt isn’t wreaking havoc on Kootenay highways or in municipal backyards like it did at this time last year.

Other than a warning to watch for rocks on the road along Highway 3 near Creston and a rock slide noted north of Kaslo, DriveBC advisories were unremarkable on Monday.

The City of Trail is staying ahead of flooding potential with regular monitoring of 27 creeks and intakes.

Mark Stephens, roads and grounds superintendent, says an excavator is staged at the Trail Creek intake to aid in debris removal.

Sites requiring the most attention are at Trail and Gorge creeks as well as the intake on the curve of hospital hill.

“The run off is normal for this time of year,” Stephens said. “I have had no reports of flooding.”

In Warfield, after last spring’s clogged storm line, sink hole, road washout and resultant boil water advisory in Lower Annable, resultant work has led to a much quieter home front.

“We do not have any flooding to report so far,” Corporate Officer Jackie Patridge told the Trail Times. “The work we did last year appears to be helping significantly, and village crews monitor all of the known flood zones diligently.”

Public works removes debris from Trail Creek several times a day, she noted.

“We do not have any turbidity problems (water notices) to report at this time.”

The picture is much the same for Montrose.

“We are not seeing anything out of the usual for this time of year,” said Chief Administrative Officer Larry Plotnikoff. “It appears that the cooler nights have helped prevent the snow melt from causing any significant concern – so far.

The water from our wells is regularly tested and monitored, he added.

“We have no concerns in regards to water quality.”

Trail Daily Times