Trail cops called to COVID contraventions

The RCMP remind the public that outdoor gatherings are limited to 10 people

Photo: Unsplash

Police are reporting a few of the latest COVID-related cases in Trail and the Greater Area.

The first call happened on the first of the month.

Sgt. Mike Wicentowich says the Trail detachment received a complaint about an outside social gathering in Montrose in the early evening May 1.

Officers attended the residence and spoke to the homeowner.

Police say the homeowner was cooperative, admitted there were 13 guests at the home, and “quickly corrected the situation without further incident.”

Trail RCMP remind the public that backyard gatherings are limited to 10 people under the BC Emergency Program Act in accordance with health orders put in place by the Provincial Health Officer.

“People in attendance should be from within your social bubble. Masks should be worn or physical distancing maintained during this type of small social gatherings,” advises Sgt. Wicentowich.

“While we certainly can, and will enforce the provisions available to us under the COVID Related Measures Act, we continue to encourage everyone to voluntarily comply with the provincial health orders, so enforcement is not required.”

Nicky nine doors no-no

The night of May 1, just before 11 p.m., the Trail police received a report that a small group of children were ringing doorbells and running away on Carnation Drive in Glenmerry. Trail RCMP conducted patrols but did not locate those responsible.

“Trail RCMP is now requesting that the children involved, in these very Canadian acts, to refrain from this minor mischief until the end of the pandemic for everyone’s safety,” says Sgt. Wicentowich. “Children can then safely resume this activity at their own risk of being caught by their neighbour and disciplined by their parents.”

Trail Daily Times