Council reviews stipends annually. (Trail Times file photo)

Council reviews stipends annually. (Trail Times file photo)

Trail council bumps up pay

Yearly pay increase corresponds with Collective Agreement of municipal employees

With a two per cent raise now in place, Trail councillors will be paid $18,150 this year, and the mayor, $36,300.

The subject comes up annually during budget talks, and generally, the city’s elected officials agree to a two per cent salary increase to reflect the CPI (Consumer Price Index) otherwise known as inflation.

Read more: Trail council salary

Read more: Trail council bumps pay

Read more: Trail says council pay in line with other communities

“A number of years ago, council contracted with an outside consulting firm to review council indemnities,” Chief Administrative Officer David Perehudoff noted. “At that time, it was recommended that a ratio between the mayor and councillor stipend be established whereby councillors receive 50 per cent of the mayor’s stipend,” he explained. “This compensation ‘policy’ remains in place and the indemnity amounts are consistent with this direction,” he added.

“The total increase in the (2020) budget for council stipends is therefore $3,000 based on the total change reflected.”

The yearly two per cent adjustment of pay also corresponds with negotiated increases in the Collective Agreement of unionized City of Trail workers.

Of note, is that the Collective Agreement expires in a week, with bargaining likely to commence in the coming months.

Last year a federal tax change went into effect wherein the salary-plus-allowances of elected municipal officials were taxed 100 per cent. Historically, one-third of those earnings qualified for a federal tax exemption.

That change prompted local councils to review their remunerations to account for this tax adjustment, and in 2019, compensation increases from 10 to 28 per cent went into play.

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